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2015年7月1日 - 6分钟阅读

Chuck Goldstein '15

Head coach Chuck Goldstein, 在2013年的灰姑娘赛季中,MCAA 15带领加劳德特大学(Gallaudet University)的橄榄球队, 赢得他们的会议,并在学校历史上第一次进入全国排名(第25名).

不寻常的是,这支球队有一半的球员是聋子,另一半是听障人士. Gallaudet, founded in 1864, is the leading university in the U.S. for deaf and hearing-impaired students.


加劳德特野牛队的比赛规则与NCAA第三区所有其他球队的比赛规则相同. But they call plays using sign language, with everyone looking at the ball to know when the play starts.

因为在美国很少有耳聋和听力受损的球员.S., the team’s roster is around 54 players, far below the normal 100. A few injuries can devastate a season.

“Our recruiting pool is so much smaller,” says Goldstein. “我不允许招募听力正常的球员,除非他们能流利地使用美国手语。,” making the team’s breakout season that much more remarkable.

Goldstein’s own path was just as unexpected, and was helped by a degree from Concordia University Irvine’s Master of Arts in Coaching and 十大正规赌平台平台 Administration (MCAA)项目. 作为一名前高中教练突然被提升到加劳德特大学的最高职位, Goldstein learned on the fly, adapted quickly and made his stamp on this storied program.

From childhood, “All I wanted to do was teach P.E. and coach football,他说, but success didn’t come immediately. He played college football in his native Maryland, then joined the coaching staff at a couple of local colleges, but struggled to make ends meet.

他说:“我在教练圈子里没有人脉,经验也不多。. 有一段时间,他在一家寄宿团体之家上夜班,并进行了一整天的辅导, just for the love of the game.

Newly married, Goldstein found a job teaching P.E. at a southern Maryland high school. He hoped to coach again at the college level, but when the opportunity arose it scared him and his wife.

“我偶然遇到一位朋友,他是加劳德特大学的主教练,他说, ‘Come coach with me,’” Goldstein remembers. “I was hesitant at first. I had a good teaching job. 我的妻子怀了我们的第一个儿子,她对我回到大学当教练不太感兴趣. It requires recruiting and doesn’t have great job security. What if we didn’t win or the head coach left? 那我在哪里?? There were so many question marks.”

They took the risk and Goldstein joined the Bison in 2009, in time to be part of the team’s first winning season since 1930. 那年晚些时候,由于经济低迷,招聘冻结,首席职位空缺了, Goldstein was named head coach.


不仅如此, but he was learning a new language, 美国手语, which is expected of everyone who works at Gallaudet, even those like Goldstein who have no hearing loss. Sitting with players at lunch helped.

“They were very patient with me,他说. He soon learned that Gallaudet, 这是一所联邦特许学校(美国总统签署每张文凭), is deeply committed to its sports.

戈德斯坦说:“有孩子告诉我,他们的梦想是穿上野牛队的制服. “For some kids this is like playing for Notre Dame.”

但野牛队比大多数橄榄球球队输掉的赛季都要多. 这支球队116年来的主要成就是在1894年发明了“挤成一团”的战术,当时加劳德特的四分卫把他的球员拉成一个圆圈,这样就没有人能看到他的手势. (具有讽刺意味的是,如今加劳德特已经不再使用这种方式了,因为对方球队听不懂美国手语.)

Goldstein发现他必须总是站在玩家面前,这样他们才能看到他在交流. He learned to keep track of where the sun was so he wasn’t backlit. 会议花费的时间更长,而且很难引起对方的注意, 包括一名跑卫在比赛结束后冲向终点区.

我花了一段时间才弄清楚你能对年轻人产生什么影响. You’re changing lives.

在国防, 队员们踢着球,看着裁判举起手来,因为大多数人听不见哨声. On special teams plays, 当球落地时,教练在场边敲大鼓示意. Players feel the vibration and know to look for the ball.

但是聋人经历的某些方面提供了战略优势. With the silent snap count, 四分卫对中锋的后端施加压力,发出信号,示意何时开始进攻. The quarterback can even change the call at the line of scrimmage, 用一只手在中锋面前签名,让球员们在比赛中交流. None of this takes extra time.



Then the magical 2013 season arrived.

“我们取得了九连胜”,成为了加劳德特大学第一支进入NCAA锦标赛的男子球队, 戈尔茨坦说,. Eleven players made the all-conference team, 戈尔茨坦被他的同行们评为2013年度最佳教练.

野牛队的比赛引起了全国的关注,ESPN也对这支球队进行了专题报道, the CBS Evening 新闻, in the Associated Press and The Washington Post.


“我研究了不同的教练管理研究生项目, compared them all and felt like Concordia was the right fit, so I jumped right into it,他说. “I really enjoyed the classes. I used the stuff I learned in the classroom in my program. It was really beneficial.”

例如, 他从他的技术和体育课程中汲取知识,并将其应用到加劳德特大学的足球项目中.

“I was a boring PowerPoint guy before,他说. “现在 we’re all linked in as a staff because of that class.”

当他有问题时,很容易找到菲律宾十大网赌网站的教授, 他说, 课程表的灵活性让他可以在夏天上课,在冬天合租, while taking a break during football season.

“白天,如果我有几分钟的时间,我可以参加在线测试或测验之类的, spend time with my kids, and then put my kids to bed and do homework,他说.

汤姆白色, founder and director of Concordia University Irvine’s MCAA program, says that the program currently serves 1,019 students in all fifty states and five foreign countries. “我们的MCAA项目提供了一种变革性的体验,将体育与信仰联系起来, learning and a life’s work of service,怀特说。.

For Goldstein, that became part of his journey of growing as a coach.

“When I first started coaching, I just wanted to win,他说. “I didn’t know what coaching was. I just wanted to yell at people and spit in their faces. 我花了一段时间才弄清楚你能对年轻人产生什么影响. You’re changing lives. They come in as immature 18-year-old kids and leave as mature adults.”

现在, with his teams producing genuine NFL prospects, 戈尔茨坦从帮助孩子成为杰出的成年人中获得更多的满足感. “Football teaches you everything you need to know about life, 问责制, 纪律, 所有这些,他说. “I’m the man I am today because of football. As coaches we’re in the business of developing young people. The bigger wins are graduation, shaking their parents’ hands.”


他说:“当我和朋友出去玩的时候,我开始在说话的时候做手势。. “It happens naturally. At a restaurant I’ll sign when I’m ordering and not realize it.”

他的三个儿子,分别是5岁、4岁和2岁,都喜欢来到球场,和球员们一起玩耍. 戈德斯坦的两位同事——一位是篮球教练,另一位是男子足球教练——已经启动了康考迪亚大学的MCAA项目.

戈尔茨坦说:“我认为这是一个很棒的项目,我只要有机会就会推广它。. “I work with great people. 我热爱我的工作. 我爱足球. I’m never going to stop learning football.”
