

2012年11月1日 - 5分钟阅读


When three-time Olympic gold medalist 雾May-Treanor decided to earn her master’s degree in coaching and athletics administration to prepare for her post-playing career, she chose Concordia University’s Master’s in Coaching and 十大正规赌平台平台管理 (MCAA) program.

“当教练一直是我的爱好, 现在你需要硕士学位,梅-特雷纳说. "康科迪亚有我想要的一切."

May-Treanor is the most successful beach volleyball player in history, with 107 career wins. She and former playing partner Kerri Walsh Jennings won an unprecedented third gold medal at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

“我对自己在菲律宾十大网赌网站的经历非常满意,”她说. "The professors and everybody in the department gave such good guidance. 我觉得阅读这个项目的哲学, 尤其是对整个大学而言, 这些特质会帮助教练成为更好的人, 以某种方式行动. 这也是我觉得这个项目适合我的原因之一. 他们将优秀、可靠的人送入社区."

梅·特雷纳成为教练的灵感来自于她的父母, 1968年奥运会排球运动员布奇·梅和芭芭拉·梅, 全国排名的网球选手. Both coached volleyball for many years and Misty grew up playing beach volleyball at the Santa Monica Pier. She was an indoor volleyball champion at Newport Harbor High School and CSU Long Beach, 并于1999年改用沙子. She and then-teammate Holly McPeak competed in the 2000 Olympics.

But it was her partnership with Walsh that made them the face of beach volleyball worldwide. 这对组合在2004年雅典奥运会上获得金牌, repeated the feat in Beijing in 2008 and made an unexpectedly strong run in 2012 to capture gold in London.

"We grow with each other, learning the game together," says May-Treanor. “获胜的感觉很特别."

At the same time, beach volleyball, with its 2-person teams, places unique demands on each player.

"Not being part of a huge team, we had to stay motivated,梅-特雷纳说. "We relied on each other to stay on the same page and get our work done. 这是我们的事业,所以我们自己承担. We don't get fees or prize money just for showing up at a tournament. 我们必须努力争取. I have to take care of my body and get my training in and make sure I was the best I could be."

May-Treanor's Concordia education fit perfectly into her busy schedule which often had her traveling to tournaments 24 weeks a year. 她回忆起在巴西登陆康考迪亚网站的情景, downloading her homework assignment and writing a paper on the plane.


"The professors work with you and understand that career people who have jobs are the ones taking these classes to further their education and get better positions in their place of employment,她说. “他们让工作量适当."

Concordia's MCAA professors are practitioners who have proven experience in their fields. Concordia was one of the first universities in the nation to offer a master's degree in coaching and athletics administration, and it remains the only one to offer strong practical training with a foundation in ethics and character-building. In less than seven years the pioneering program has gone from 12 students to hundreds earning degrees on campus and online.

Still, May-Treanor was initially apprehensive about returning to school after seven years away.

“这就像是,‘我知道怎么再写一篇论文吗?’”她说。. “突然间,我又回到了工作中. 学校又令人兴奋了. I appreciated school more this time around because I understood, 'This is going to get me to point B.' I want to coach and this is going to allow me to have a better resume with a master's degree. 每节课都很有趣. I learned things that enable me to adapt my style so when I go out and coach I can be a success. 每堂课都帮助我发展了作为教练的思维."

她提到了“教练哲学”等课程, 力量与调节, and Ethics in Sports which offer practical preparation as well as a fundamental assessment of what good coaching looks like.

“这会让你问,我想成为怎样的教练?她说. "Because at the end of the day it's not about winning or losing. 你想留下持久的足迹. All my coaches throughout my career have made the game so fun and taught so many lessons. 这就是我希望传递给下一代的东西. 我想成为孩子们尊敬的教练, work hard for and hopefully inspire them to be a coach someday."

May-Treanor started M2 Volleyball Camps and Clinics to teach young athletes and coaches the skills and techniques to be the best athletes and coaches they can be. 她还参加了 与星共舞 but sustained a potentially career-ending Achilles heel injury while practicing the foxtrot.

"I have come back from injuries before, but this was the worst,她说. “过了一年我才会跑和跳. 你得重新学会走路."

The injury hastened her intended transition from player to coach, but then she noticed her recovering leg was able to handle hard play.

“我很惊讶,”她说. "I didn't think I'd really be back for this Olympics until I started playing at a higher level."

She and Walsh teamed up again and were soon ranked in the top three in the world. They headed to London as veterans defending their title against a proliferation of hungry teams from places like South America, 中国与欧洲.

Before winning, May-Treanor decided this would be her last tournament, win or lose. She looks forward now to turning to family and coaching full-time.

“我想再次当室内教练. 我想念这个大团队,”她说. “战略和时机有些不同. Beach players are more the mavericks, where indoor is more unified. 但这是同样的技能."

I've been so happy with the program that I recommend it highly...你应该研究一下这个项目, 尤其是如果你还想继续玩的话, 因为这和你的日程安排是一致的. 我喜欢这个校园.

她也想与家人和朋友共度时光, 弥补了无数个周末外出参加比赛的时间. She is married to Matt Treanor, a catcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

May-Treanor finished her degree at Concordia University in May 2013. “我对这个项目非常满意,所以我强烈推荐它, 尤其是对我的很多球员同事,她说. ”我说, “你应该研究一下这个项目, 尤其是如果你还想继续玩的话, 因为这和你的日程安排是一致的.“我喜欢这个校园."
