

2016年8月16日 - 10分钟阅读


五位前奥运选手,加布·加德纳,克里斯·塞格斯曼,米斯蒂·梅-特雷纳, Staciana Stitts-Winfield 米歇尔·文图雷拉, 回想一下他们在世界上最大的体育场馆的旅程, and how they continued to learn sports lessons as students of CUI’s Master's of Coaching and 十大正规赌平台平台管理 program.


随便问一个运动员, 在任何层面上, 无论是高中, college or professional players and they will all likely tell you the same anecdote about achieving victory: the path is paved with sacrifice, 血, 汗水和眼泪足以填满一个奥运会游泳池. 为特殊群体的男女运动员顽强拼搏, talented and blessed enough to beat the odds and earn the honor of putting the coveted title of Olympian in front of their name, 通往黄金之路的挑战要大得多,但回报同样丰厚.

获得121枚奖牌, 以及在2016年里约奥运会上加冕的新的美国体育英雄——包括“西蒙夫妇”, 体操运动员西蒙娜·拜尔斯和创造历史的游泳运动员西蒙娜·曼努埃尔, as well as the unstoppable swimming sensation that is 23-time-gold-medalist Michael Phelps—once again, 全世界的目光见证了最优秀的选手的比赛.

随着下一批超级明星选手将目光投向2020年东京奥运会, the CUI Master's of Coaching and 十大正规赌平台平台管理 team thought it would be fitting to take a stroll down Olympic memory lane and chat with its star line up, 五名前奥运选手也是MCAA项目的校友.

他们在五个项目中总共获得了六枚奥运金牌, 加布·加德纳(排球), 克里斯·塞格斯曼(水球), 米斯蒂·梅-特雷纳(沙滩排球), Staciana stits - winfield(游泳), 和米歇尔Venturella(垒球)分享了他们开始运动的回忆, 奥运选拔赛与胜利, 以及他们一路走来学到的经验教训. The champions also gave beyond-the-medal insight into how the MCAA program helped them continue their athletic careers from the other side of the game – as coaches.



加布加德纳’s dream of becoming an Olympian began long before he could tower over the top of a volleyball net. “1984年奥运会来到洛杉矶时,我才8岁,”加德纳回忆道. I had a high regard for this ideal that you can go and be one of the best in your sport in the entire country and possibly represent your country at a worldwide event that everybody admired and respected.”

高中时是三项运动的运动员, 而加德纳擅长篮球和水球, 他说,在他眼里,排球是绝对的赢家. “Volleyball seemed to have the most long-term prospects of providing an opportunity to play in the Olympic Games or going on to a level that would make a long term career possible from playing professionally.”

2004年雅典奥运会,他首次入选美国男排奥运代表队, followed up by the 2008 Beijing Games—where he would win the team gold—Gardner played professionally overseas; 12 countries in 12 years overall. 而在国外的那段时间帮助他提高了技能, 他承认,有时他会经历自我怀疑的高峰.

“A lot of people in sports give up before they know if they’re going to make a team,” notes Gardner. “在参加奥运会之前,我的大学生涯并不顺利, 然后当我终于坚持了足够长的时间, 我就知道我能做到. 我对自己有足够的信心,当我到达那里的时候,我想,是的,我应得的. 这才是我的归宿.”



在她首次参加奥运会之前的几年里, 对于垒球奥运选手米歇尔·文图雷拉来说,二次猜测也不太可能是对手. 像加德纳, 文图雷拉是一名出色的高中运动员, 作为一垒手带领她的球队连续赢得冠军. 一到印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校,她就被甩了个圈. “教练问我是否愿意尝试接球, 虽然我这辈子从来没钓过鱼,文图雷拉说, 现任华盛顿大学垒球总教练. 路易.

一开始不确定,不舒服, 这次转会将改变文图雷拉在球队中的位置, 后来, 垒球的历史. 一年后, 她的球队赢得了十大联盟, 为学校和文图雷拉带来了恶名, 以1996年亚特兰大奥运会垒球队选拔赛的形式出现. 她说:“这对我的职业生涯来说是一个绝佳的时机.

Venturella补充道:“我最终填写了一份申请,并寄了25美元来完成这个过程.” The only reason I tried out was because I wanted to put myself up against the best and see where I fit. 结果, 文图雷拉非常适合, 赢得了96年奥运会的候补名额, 后来, 进入2000年悉尼奥运会前15名, 她在哪里赢得了金牌.

“当我还在奥运代表队的时候, I was more of a role player and it was great because I still got to be a part of something tremendous.文图雷拉说:“穿上队服,胸前印着美国国家队的标志,没什么比这更好的了。. “这太让人羞愧了.”



USA Beach Volleyball champion 雾May-Treanor has had sand between her toes since she was a teenager. 梅-特雷纳从小在洛杉矶外的圣莫尼卡码头打沙滩排球. She was an indoor volleyball champion at Newport Harbor High School and Cal State Long Beach before switching to sand in 1999.

这一改变改变了她的职业生涯,为梅-特雷纳在这项运动中的统治铺平了道路, 在2000年的奥运会上,他和当时的队友霍莉·麦克皮克(Holly McPeak)一起比赛, 完成第五.

But it was her partnership with Kerrie Walsh Jennings that made May-Traenor the face of beach volleyball worldwide. 这对组合在2004年雅典奥运会上获得金牌, repeated the feat in Beijing in 2008 and made an unexpectedly strong run in 2012 to capture the gold in London.

“我们一起成长,一起学习比赛,”梅-特雷纳说. “这是一次特别的胜利,”她谈到两人在伦敦的胜利时说. 不是大团队的一员,你必须保持动力.”

正是这种动力使梅-特雷纳成为历史上最成功的排球运动员, 生涯112胜. 今天, May-Treanor, is training other players to reach for their athletic dreams as head of the volleyball program at Long Beach City College.Staciana Stitts-Winfield


游泳金牌得主斯蒂茨-温菲尔德(Staciana stits - winfield)很早就爱上了蓝色的海水. “我在走路之前就开始游泳了,”她说. “我最喜欢游泳的部分是你在水下,一切都很安静的那一刻.”

她从六岁起就开始参加比赛, 斯蒂茨-温菲尔德说,她的水上技能需要一段时间才能完全发展. “刚开始游泳的时候,我游得很慢,进步很慢,”她回忆说. 在被诊断为秃发之后, 一种自身免疫性疾病,会在12岁时导致完全脱发, 而不是放慢速度, 斯塔西亚娜在泳池里重新集中了她的注意力和愤怒,正如游泳者所说, 开始计时.”

In 1997, 她在16岁时就进入了奥运会选拔赛, 往返120英里,跟随著名的欧文新星教练训练, 戴夫萨罗城, 因帮助游泳运动员阿曼达·比尔德获得1996年亚特兰大奥运会的参赛资格而闻名. 斯蒂茨-温菲尔德和比尔德等人一起训练了三年,然后参加了2000年美国奥运会.S. 悉尼奥运会游泳队. 她的神奇时刻终于到来了.

“我入选了奥运代表队 .0.01秒,这是最小的差距,”斯蒂茨-温菲尔德说. “I was overwhelmed and shocked when I made it because it seemed like a very challenging goal to make. 在这么长时间的努力工作和牺牲之后,我感到如释重负.“在奥运会期间, 斯蒂茨-温菲尔德听从了教练的建议, ”他说, 在你完成一场比赛之后, 闭上眼睛,问问自己是否尽力了. 如果你做到了,不管比分如何,都要开心,”她说. “这让我明白了努力与结果的重要性.”


对克里斯·塞格斯曼(克里斯Segesman)来说,直到九年级才开始成为水里的鱼. “我从五岁起就是一名竞技游泳运动员, 但是在学习了游戏之后, 我的注意力完全集中在水球上.”

克里斯做到了,一直到2004年雅典奥运会. “I truly believe my path to the Olympics was only paved because I had a strong support staff of coaches, 家人和朋友. 这并不容易, 说Segesman, who practiced eight hours each day and traveled on multiple 40+ day trips per year in preparation for the Games. “等到奥运会来临的时候,我真的赢得了入选前13名的机会. 被选中真是太棒了.”

尽管塞格斯曼没有在奥运会上获得奖牌, 他断言,仅仅是成为团队中的一员,就已经是无价的了, 银牌和铜牌加在一起. “The first game I remember jumping in to get ready for the first whistle and I didn’t even feel the water. 我可能打了40场比赛也不会感到疲倦.”


如果抚养一个孩子需要一个村庄, then it takes a country to raise an Olympian: a supportive team of coaches and athletic administrators behind the competitors who make it their life’s game plan to ensure they are positively pushed to limits they didn’t know they could reach.

除了成为被称为奥运选手的独特竞争群体的一部分, 加布, 克里斯, 米丝蒂-梅, Staciana and Michelle have another thing in common: they’re members of the 欧文康考迪亚大学 Master’s of Coaching and 十大正规赌平台平台管理 team. Not only have they found the program to be beneficial for segueing into the second stage of their athletic careers, 他们积极地将经验教训应用到他们的教练角色中, 将这些知识传授给他们的运动员甚至潜在的雇主.

“I was looking for a master’s degree that could relate to both my athletic administration work and coaching,克里斯说。, who credits the program for influencing his current role as Associate Athletic Director of Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana. “这是我职业生涯发展的重要组成部分. 我对这里的教师、我学到的知识和人际关系印象深刻.”

这是全国同类项目中规模最大的, the Master’s Degree in Coaching and 十大正规赌平台平台管理 program 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 remains the only program to offer strong practical training with a foundation in ethics and character building. 加布·加德纳很欣赏这一点.

“在我的职业生涯中,我接触过世界上一些最好的教练. 我也接触过很多不太好的教练, so I have the perspective to know when the messaging is on target and I’ve been very pleased with the program,盖比说。, 2015年在萨克拉门托的美国河学院担任排球总教练.

增加了加布, “这个项目让我能够组织和准备一篇有凝聚力的硕士论文, whereby I can present everything in written form to a potential employer or future opportunity as it comes up.”

“这会让你问,‘作为一名教练,我想成为什么样的人?’”梅·特雷纳说. “因为在一天结束时,这不是输赢的问题. 你想留下持久的足迹. 我对这个项目非常满意,所以我强烈推荐它, 尤其是对我的很多球员同事,梅·特雷纳补充道, who spends her time these days directing both the men’s and women’s volleyball program at Long Beach City College, 同时担任新成立的女子沙滩排球队的总教练.

对于Staciana, 她曾在欧文康考迪亚大学担任助理女子游泳和跳水教练, the program offered a way for her to achieve her goal of obtaining a master’s degree without feeling rushed. “在线课程给了我最大的灵活性,让我可以兼顾全职工作, 抚养我的女儿, 并自学攻读硕士学位,Staciana说.

Staciana补充道:“我喜欢这个项目,因为教授们与学生们进行了交流. 我也喜欢我可以选择我最感兴趣的选修课,并将其应用到我的日常工作中.”

“我认为这个项目非常适合传递我所相信的信息, that I believe to be true of what great coaches and administrators look like to a broader marketplace of coaches,盖比说。. “无论是谁设计了这个程序,实施了这些信息传递点,都非常出色. 他们说了很多我在职业生涯中已经看到的真理, 接触过伟大的教练.”

“我比较了其他一些项目,没有哪个项目像菲律宾十大网赌网站那样适合我们的课程,米歇尔说。, 他在芝加哥伊利诺伊大学负责垒球项目长达8年, 在担任华盛顿大学垒球总教练之前. 路易. “我喜欢体育课上的女生. It shows the history of how I have the ability to be head coach today and make a living doing that,米歇尔说。. “这个项目正是我作为一名教练,希望也是一名教师管理者想要的.”

