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How to Become a Nurse Online

February 22, 2024 - 5 minute read

Three nurses at Spectrum campus

Starting a nursing career can look unique for everyone. 拥有不同的学位课程,可以获得不同的护理角色和专业资格, you may have more questions than when you began your research. 对于那些寻求非传统的、适合自己生活方式的护理课程的人来说,在线护理课程是一个选择. But how can you get a nursing degree online?

While an online nursing program differs from a traditional program, students still graduate with the same degree, knowledge, and hands-on experience. With 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的护理学加速学士(ABSN)课程在美国,你可以在短短15个月内完成你的护理学位,而不会牺牲灵活性. In addition to Concordia's campus- based ABSN program in Irvine, 我们在库卡蒙格牧场(Rancho Cucamonga)提供了一个混合课程,融合了在线学习的元素.


Benefits of Online Nursing Degree Programs

A nursing degree is quite a commitment, regardless of whether it is earned in-person or online, 但是,以灵活形式提供的课程允许个人追求医疗保健职业的另一条道路. 非传统的学生可以通过注册一个混合护理项目来追求他们成为护士的梦想,该项目结合了菲律宾十大网赌网站的加速BSN等在线元素.

因为菲律宾十大网赌网站的在线ABSN课程是为非传统学生设计的,让他们在加速的时间线上取得成功, students must meet specific admissions requirements before being admitted. 这包括从认可机构获得的至少65个非护理学分或非护理学士学位,累计未加权平均绩点最低为3.25. Many of these credits may be eligible for prerequisite transfer, 因此,学生们可以更快地开始他们的护理之旅,而不必花费四年时间去获得一个全新的学士学位.

在线护理学生不必牺牲教育质量来换取灵活性. Earning a degree with hands-on, 严格的职业经验,同时保持其他优先事项仍然是可能的.

How Do Online Nursing Degree Programs Work?

在线护理项目有三个主要组成部分:课程、实验室和临床轮转. 这些也是传统护理课程的一部分,但形式不同.

  • Online coursework is completed in an asynchronous format, 学生们按照自己的时间表学习,同时在截止日期前完成作业,以保持进度. Online courses are designed for students of all learning types, 他们可以与同伴合作,并在需要时轻松地获得教师的额外支持.
  • Skills and simulation labs 是否有经验丰富的教师现场指导,帮助建立基本的护理技能,并提供真实的人体模型模拟经验. 这些实验室建立了与实际患者合作的信心和知识基础.
  • Clinical rotations are the final step between learning and real-world application. For clinicals, 学生前往医疗机构,获得与实际病人一起工作的经验,并向不同专业的注册护士学习.

使这种加速形式成为可能的部分原因是,学生在被录取之前必须完成一系列先决条件. Often, 这些学分可以从以前的大学经历中转移,也可以用于准备ABSN项目入学. That way, the 15 months spent in the program are all nursing-focused.

How Do Clinicals Work in Nursing School?

在线课程仍然需要面对面的诊所,这似乎令人困惑. Because nursing is a hands-on profession, 护理专业的学生在进入工作岗位之前必须获得实践经验.

与传统的护理课程类似,学生们参加各种护理专业的临床培训. 这些轮转与其他项目学习相结合,这样学生就可以将他们的知识应用到真实的患者互动中. For example, ABSN项目的学生将在第三学期学习他们的儿科护理理论课程. 他们将同时在各种卫生保健机构完成儿科临床轮转, including acute care, community care, and ambulatory care.

Are Online Nursing Students Required to Come to Campus?

在一些情况下,学生被要求到校, the first of which is for scheduled labs. 这些实验是与同伴和导师一起完成的,以获得经验并获得有用的反馈,从而在此基础上继续前进. 而在线课程确实包括许多强化学习的活动, there is no replacement for hands-on learning experiences in a lab setting.

学生还必须来学校参加监考,并定期与辅导员见面. 我们还建议学生与教授一起参加面对面的办公时间,甚至与同龄人组成学习小组. This can be profoundly helpful in building a support system. Even though the coursework is online, nursing school is challenging, and reaching out to others in person can be highly motivating.

What Are the Steps to Becoming a Nurse Online?

At Concordia University Irvine, 我们希望通过我们的在线混合ABSN计划使您过渡到护理职业成为可能. Our program is designed with healthcare values and principles that are not limited to scientific principles, but also promote compassion, accountability, and awareness. To become a Concordia nursing student, you will need to take a few steps:

  1. 与你的招生顾问见面,制定一份申请计划,包括申请前必须完成的事情的时间表和清单.
  2. Finish all prerequisites, ensuring you meet GPA requirements. 你的招生顾问会帮助你确定你需要哪些先决条件.
  3. 填写在线入学申请并邮寄任何必要的文件.
  4. 如果被邀请,完成与康考迪亚招生面试,以完成整个过程.

如果你想从康考迪亚大学欧文分校的ABSN项目开始你的护理之旅, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Contact an admissions counselor today by filling out our online form. 我们期待着回答你关于如何成为一名在线护士的任何剩余问题,并探索你的下一步.

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